Over the years I’ve had the habit of coming up with a lot of ideas for bit’s of universes. I’m pretty sure that’s not just me, a lot of creative people tend to have the same problem of too many ideas. You quickly discover that life is really short and there’s just not enough time to do all of them. I found it was best to start focusing ideas into different universes. By that I mean story universes not actual other universes, although that would be a pretty neat trick. I’d always want to go down some new path when inspiration hit and I hit a wall where while an idea was cool, it just didn’t fit in a certain story reality.
Sure some properties like TY let you do wild stuff like giant marsupial robots but even then there’s stuff that I just wouldn’t put into that series because it would be… well wrong.
Since the mid 90s I came up with a good half dozen sci fi concepts that really seamed to fit into a similar universe so I started reusing elements and back histories when I would start new ideas. Eventually I found that they all ended up linking together in a grand tapestry of a sci fi universe and thus the Blade Kitten universe was born. This was around 2001 (before the first TY game was even had a publisher) and I’ve been working on it in my spare time ever since.
BK is my universe of cool ideas and designs all strung together. It’s a cool playground that can be as dark or as funny or as dramatic as I need it to be – sometimes even all at the same time.
Next time I’ll go into the design of Kit.